Fibroscan - Abdi Waluyo Hospital

Medical Treatment


Fibroscan is a non-invasive procedure using a specialized ultrasound to scan your liver to measure fibrosis (scarring) and steatosis (fat accumulation) in the liver. This helps your doctor to understand your liver disease. Your doctor may also order other tests to evaluate your liver, such as blood tests, other imaging scans, or biopsies. Your doctor will explain your results during your appointment.

You will be asked to:

  • Lie down and remove clothes covering the abdominal area.
  • Remove any metal objects, such as a belt, which could interfere with image results.
  • Fast for four hours before the procedure.

The procedure usually takes around 10 to 15 minutes, and the results can be reviewed immediately by your doctor. Read here  to understand your Fibroscan results.

Request Appointment

Fibroscan Appointment

Fill in consultation form request below to arrange schedule for Fibroscan

Our administration staff will get back to you with in 24 hours to arrange the schedule.

Appointment Data

Time preferred for consultation for Fibroscan

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