Jeffri Aloys Gunawan - Abdi Waluyo Hospital


Monday 13:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 15:00
Thursday 13:00 - 21:00
Friday 13:00 - 21:00
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dr. Jeffri Aloys Gunawan, Sp.PD, CHt, FINASIM

Internal Medicine


Dr. Jeffri Aloys Gunawan, Sp.PD, CHt, FINASIM merupakan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam dari Universitas Indonesia.

Beliau telah mengenyam program Intern Training/magang di Divisi Gastroenterologi, FKUI/RSCM (RS Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo, dan saat ini terlibat rutin dalam Tim Endoskopi Prof. Dr. Marcellus Simadibrata, Sp.PD, Ph.D, KGEH, FACG, FASGE (Guru Besar dan Staf Divisi Gastroenterologi, Universitas Indonesia).

Fellowship & Accreditation

Medical Doctor
2005. Faculty of Medicine. Universitas Padjadjaran
2011-2013. Program Intern Divisi Gastroenterologi. FKUI/RSCM. Indonesia
2013. Spesialis Penyakit Dalam. Universitas Indonesia
2014. Pelatihan USG Bagi Peserta Program Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Indonesia
2014. Asia Pacific Digestive Disease Week (APDW). Committee
2021. Training at Faculty of Medicine. ULB University. Belgia
2021. Gastro Attachment Training with Dr. Hardianto Setiawan Ong, Sp.PD, KGEH, FACG, FINASIM. Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk
2022. Denpasar Hepatology Workshop on Fibroscan. Bali
2022. KOPAPDI Basic Endoscopy Workshop (Basic+Endoscopic Nutritional Access, PEG, Endoscopic Hemostatic Therapy). Semarang
2022. Hands-on Endoscopy Workshop (Endoscopic Hemostasis (APC+Hemoclip, Variceal Ligation, NJFT Placement & PEG, Polypectomy, EMR). JIGES
2022. Denpasar Hepatology Workshop on Hepatitis B Treatment. Bali
2022. Hands-on Endoscopy Training Workshop (ERCP, EUS, Polypectomy, EMR, Endoscopic Nutritional Access (NJFT), PEG). IDDW
2022. Endoscopy Training Workshop (Endoscopic Hemostasis (APC+Hemoclip), Variceal Ligation, NJFT Placement, PEG, Polypectomy, EMR). JIGES
2023. Training in Capsule Endoscopy. World Endoscopy Organization. China
2023. Hands-on Endoscopy Workshop (ERCP, EUS, EMR, ESG (Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty), Endoscopic Nutritional Access (NJFT), PEG, Intra-Gastric Balloon Placement in Obesity). IDDW
2023. Gastroenterology Postgraduates Course. Singapore
2023. Masterclass. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Session in IMAC Gastro. Vietnam
2023. The 8th IMOTICON. Gastro Training of Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Disease
2023. Gastro Symposium. The Asia Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy
2023. World Digestive Health Day. Participant
2023. Gastro Summit: Updates & Strategy of ERCP
Internal Medicine, University of Indonesia

Areas of Focus

Masalah Perut; GERD; Maag; Radang usus (IBD); IBS; Sakit empedu/Batu; Liver; Konstipasi; Diare,; Pankreas, DM, Hipertensi, dan Penyakit Organ Dalam (Internist)

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