dr. Anindita is a dedicated acupuncture specialist at Abdi Waluyo Hospital. She strives to stay updated with the latest knowledge and techniques in the field of medical acupuncture in order to help her patients reach the desired clinical outcomes.
Acne vulgaris; Aesthetic acupuncture; Asthma; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); Bells palsy; Carpal tunnel syndrome; Dementia; Dysmenorrhea; Electroacupuncture; Frozen shoulder; Gastrointestinal diseases (GERD, gastritis); Headache; Hearing disorders (tinnitus, sudden deafness); Hemiparesis post-stroke therapy; Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP); Infertility (male and female); Ischialgia; Knee osteoarthritis; Lactation deficiency; Laserpuncture; Low back pain; Manual acupuncture; Medical acupuncture; Morning sickness; Neck pain; Neurodermatitis; Obesity; Otalgia (ear pain); Pain management; Parkinson’s disease; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS); Post-herpetic neuralgia; Psychiatric conditions (anxiety, depression); Sinusitis; Sleep disorders / insomnia; Sports injury (e.g. tennis elbow); Tendinitis; Trigger finger; Urticaria; Vertigo