Home Quarantine Instructions - Abdi Waluyo Hospital
September 21, 2021

Home Quarantine Instructions

Editor RS Abdi Waluyo
  1. Isolate yourself for 14 days.
  2. Stay in a room with good ventilation. No companion or visitors allowed.
  3. Measure your body temperature at least 3x per day (i.e. at 7AM, 12PM, and 7PM).
  4. Other household members should stay in a separate If not possible, maintain a distance of at least one (1) meter from the patient (i.e. sleep in a separate bed).
  5. Avoid sharing the bathroom and other common areas with the patient. Keep the house well ventilated by opening the windows.
    • Facial masks must be fitted tightly especially when in the same room with the patient
    • Do not touch your facial mask while you have it on. Change your mask once it gets wet or dirty with secretions. Dispose the mask after use and wash hands immediately.
    • Wash your hands frequently especially after being exposed to the patient.
    • Use soap and water to wash hands. An alcohol-based sanitizer can be used.
    • Be mindful of safety concerns (e.g. accidental ingestion and fire hazards) when using alcohol-based sanitizers for household use.
  6. Dry hands with disposable paper towels after washing. If disposable paper towels are not available, use dedicated cloth towels and replace them they get wet or soiled.
  7. Practice coughing and sneezing etiquette at all times.
    • Cover the mouth and nose during coughing or sneezing using medical masks, cloth masks, tissues or flexed elbow, followed by proper hand
  8. Dispose used gloves, tissues, masks and other waste products properly
  9. Do not share household items. Avoid other types of possible exposure to the sick person or contaminated items in their immediate environment.
    • Do not share eating utensils, dishes, drinking glasses, cups, towels, bed linen, personal hygiene items or other items with other people in your home.
    • Provide the patient with disposable plates and utensils that will he will dispose after use.
  10. Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently with household disinfectant
  11. Clothes, towels and bedsheets of the patient should be handled separately – minimum of once a week cleaning using regular laundry soap and water or machine wash at 60–90 °C with common household detergent, and dry
    • Place contaminated linen into a laundry bag. Use gloves and mask when handling
    • Do not shake soiled laundry and avoid direct contact of the skin and clothes with the contaminated materials
  12. Use disposable gloves and protective clothing (e.g. plastic aprons) when cleaning or handling surfaces, clothing or linen soiled with body fluids. Perform hand hygiene before and after removing gloves
  13. Persons with symptoms should remain at home until their symptoms are resolved based either clinical and/or laboratory findings. Results of COVID-19 testing will be relayed to you by RS Abdi Waluyo Laboratory via whatsapp or email.
  14. All household members should be considered contacts and their health should be monitored.
  15. Bring the household member to the doctor if anyone develops symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat and difficulty of
  16. Remember to always follow your doctor’s instructions.

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